Agrofood 2023

8th Agrofood PlastPrintPack Nigeria, © German Consulate General Lagos
The international trade fair and expert conference “8th Agrofood PlastPrintPack Nigeria” took place from 28th to 30th March 2023
The international trade fair and expert conference “8th Agrofood PlastPrintPack Nigeria” took place from 28th to 30th March 2023 in the Landmark Centre, Victoria Island, Lagos. Its success exceeded all expectations, not only for the exhibitors from 18 African, European and Asian countries but also for the many business visitors searching for better, more sustainable agriculture processing and food packaging solutions. Be it more sophisticated treatment of seeds, more productive field equipment, more resource-efficient food-processing machinery, solar energy solutions for agriculture, energy-efficient cooling equipment or record-breaking packaging machines: The exhibitors - most of them originating from Germany, the Netherlands, Nigeria, China and Italy - had a lot to offer. The parallel expert conference highlighted dozens of innovative and more environment-friendly products and methods.
Germany has been a major partner of Nigeria in the “Agrofood Nigeria” history since its founding in 2015. The main organiser since then has been the German family-owned trade fair specialist Fairtrade Messe GmbH & Co. KG from Heidelberg in the South-West of Germany together with key Nigerian partners. The German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action has been a constant sponsor of a “German Pavilion”, this time it included 20 German companies, and of concrete German-Nigerian cooperation, e.g. consultancy services through the Delegate of German Industry and Commerce in Lagos and offering finance solutions via the German Desk of Access Bank Nigeria.
We can all look forward to the next “Agrofood Nigeria” in Lagos, set for 26th-28th March 2024.