Visa for highly qualified workers / Blue Card EU

Fachkräfte Visa, © GKSP/Canva.com
All information can be found on this page
All required documents need to be submitted at the personal interview in 1 copy in DIN A4 format including the application form.
Please do not staple the photocopies.
Original certificates / documents must be presented separately. Your original documents will be returned to you once your application has been processed.
The following documents have to be submitted as indicated below:
can be found here
75 Euro
Payable in cash in NGN at the current exchange rate of the Consulate or via POS.
Applications of persons who are married to a German or EU-citizen are free of charge.
- not older than 6 months
- uniform white background
- size: 3,5x4,5 cm
- not glued or stapled to the application form
- original passport + copy of data page
- issued in the last 10 years
- valid for at least 6 more months and at least two free pages
a) for births before December 13, 1992
- certified copy of the local birth register extract based on the first registration
- affidavit* (“Declaration of Age”) of one parent or the head of the family if both parents are deceased
AND copy of an identity document showing the signature of the person making the affidavit
b) for births after December 13, 1992
- NPC birth certificate if the birth was registered before the age of 18
- certified copy of the local birth register extract based on the first registration
- affidavit* (“Declaration of Age”) of one parent or the head of the family if both parents are deceased (please hand in the death certificates)
AND copy of an identity document showing the signature of the person making the affidavit makes an affidavit
*if necessary with a note of illiteracy
- as proof of a legal residence status in Nigeria
- only for applicants with a nationality other than Nigerian
a self-addressed prepaid courier envelope from any major courier service, addressed to yourself (please ensure the address is legible to facilitate delivery)
completely filled out including signature and stamp of the employer in Germany
The decalaration can be found here
WAEC-certificates: BECE and WASSCE (or alternatively NECO)
Including the following points:
- specification of the certificates, diplomas and qualifications obtained
- professional training
- work experience
Employment contract or binding job offer in your field of qualification containing:
- the time frame of the contract
- a detailed job description
- the gross annual salary
- working hours
- annual holidays
- place of work
There is a minimum salary requirement for the EU Blue Card, which is set once a year by the Federal Ministry of the Interior.
In 2025, the minimum gross annual salary requirements are:
• 43,759.80 € for scientists, mathematicians, engineers, doctors and IT specialists (so-called STEM occupations) and
• 48,300 € for all other occupations
a) Professionals with an academic background
- a German university degree or
- a recognized foreign university degree; whether the degree is recognized has to be checked at ANABIN database here
A printout confirming the recognition needs to be handed in.
If the qualification is not assessed as “entspricht” (comparable) or “gleichwertig” (equivalent) and/or the institution is not classified as “H+”, you will first have to apply for a Statement of Comparability with the Central Office for Foreign Education before applying for a visa. Further information can be found here
b) Professionals with a tertiary educational qualification
- Degree must be equivalent to a university degree
- at least 3 years of training
- Level of education at least level 6 ISCED 2011
In order for a tertiary educational qualification to be recognized in the visa procedure, a decision must be issued by the competent recognition body.
Further information can be found here
c) IT specialists without a formal educational qualification
Proof of professional experience:
- which corresponds to an academic level.
- has been acquired in at least three of the last seven years
- and is required for employment
from the age of 45 years
Only if salary does not amount to at least 55% of the annual contribution assessment ceiling for the general pension insurance scheme.
For 2025: 53,130 € gross/per annum
The Consulate must involve the competent authority in Germany in the visa procedure. Depending on previous stays, the answer may take some time. Therefore, apply for the visa in good time. We ask for your understanding that inquiries about the status of the application cannot be answered within the first 4 weeks of the application.
All above information is without guarantee for correctness and completeness. They are based on the information available to the consulate at the time of creation.