
General Information concerning the “Small Scale Project Fund”

10.01.2025 - Article

The German Consulate General in Lagos can provide limited assistance to projects benefitting
groups and selfhelp organizations and/or institutions. This “Small Scale Project Fund”
aims at contributing to improve the economic and social situation of less privileged people
in Nigeria. This fund is directly administered by the Geman Consulate General. The usual
assistance should not excede the limit of 8.000 US-Dollar and can be even lower depending
on the concrete project proposal.
Under the Small Project Fund, the Consulate General can provide financial assistance to
local non-governmental organizations, community groups and self-help groups for the implementation
of community development projects. All requests which have been submitted
to us are carefully evaluated in light of the aim and the regulations of the Small Project
Fund. In general, requests for assistance will be considered according to their validity and
priority of the project in relation to other projects proposed to us.
Since the Small Project Fund is meant to support existing and ongoing activities by providing
mainly assistance for material and equipment, a clear contribution by the community/
beneficiaries towards the successful implementation of the project is required and
should be stated in the project proposal. Assistance in the establishment of water supply,
building of class rooms, support to small scale economic activities are only a few examples
of recent projects.


- Expenses like labour, transportation/fuel, salaries and consultancy fees, overheads,
contingencies, cannot be covered by the Small Project Fund
- Projects like requesting for vehicles, computers, electrification, charity activities,
workshops, conferences, projects benefiting individuals or private group interests,
cannot be considered
- The grant provided under the Small Project Fund is a one-time assistance. Projects
which cannot be completed with the grant, or projects which should require ongoing
financial assistance do not meet the funding guidelines
- Approved projects have to be completed within the respective financial year, ending
31st December. Funds cannot be transferred or cannot be carried forward to the
following financial year.

The Consulate General wishes to keep paperwork on these small scale projects to a minimum.
Whoever is interested in pursuing funding and meets the conditions stated above is
welcomed to forward a detailed but brief project proposal as well as the application form
and supporting documents to the Consulate General.

The proposal should include

  1. information on the applicants and beneficiaries
  2. the management and administration of the group/organization and institution
  3. a list of the officials and their designation, previous funds and assistance received
  4. the present state of the group’s activities and the aims of the project proposed for
  5. the sustainability and gender aspects of the project
  6. in case of an income generating project a cost/profit calculation
  7. information on who takes responsibility for the project
  8. the action plan,
  9. a financing plan, covering all costs involved
  10. the estimated duration required for its implementation
  11. three independent quotations for the materials/equipment applied
  12. and a detailed description/ sketch of the project location.

Please do also submit the application form for financial support in implementing a microproject
provided by this Consulate General on request.

You are kindly requested to submit your application in accordance with the provided information
and the above mentioned restrictions.
Please note that due to budgetary reasons, your application might not be taken into consideration.
For further information please call the Consulate General or send an e-mail.

Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany


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