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If you have worked in Germany and now live permanently in Nigeria, your contributions to the pension fund can be refunded under certain circumstances upon your request. Please find more information as well as contact details at:
Deutsche Rentenversicherung's information on refund of contributions (English version)
Please use the following forms to apply for the refund of your contributions:
V901 “Antrag auf Beitragserstattung bei Auslandsaufenthalt - deutsch / englisch”
A1055 “Bescheinigung der Staatsangehörigkeit”
In order to have your Nigerian citizenship confirmed at the German Missions in Nigeria, please book an appointment for at the Embassy in Abuja or the Consulate General in Lagos. Please bring the completed document A1055 and a valid passport to your appointment.
The completed forms as well as supporting documents have to be sent to the responsible local pension insurer of “Deutsche Rentenversicherung” by the applicant. For questions regarding supporting documents as well as the completeness of your applications, please contact “Deutsche Rentenversicherung”.
You can find out respective contact details here.